Revival Vintage On The Road
On The Road At Armed Forces Day In Scarborough
As you can see from our events calendar we get about a bit especially over the summer months. As dates are released I have to check my calendar and juggle things around to make way for my favourite events. The furthest we travel is around a two hour drive. Believe you me there is more than enough Nostalgia for us to participate in within that radius.

Here we give you a behind the scenes insight into a Revival day spent at a vintage event. Our featured Nostalgia event is Armed Forces Day in the Spa Town of Scarborough.
Preparation Is Everything
The day before we have an event the focus is on deciding what to take and making sure everything has a price and size cube where possible. Inspired by the seaside and our recent good weather I wanted to include lots of bright colours and anything nautical at this particular event.

Suited & Booted
The next stage is to put all our vintage clothing into suiters to keep them clean and easier to carry several at a time. Everything is then layered up like a giant game of jenga to ensure we get as much of our lovely stock to the event... if only we had a van but that's another story!

Wash & Go
The next morning we are up early and away with travel cups and danish pastries for breakfast on the go...

You Have Reached Your Destination
Every trading space is different, on this occasion we had an outdoor market frame. You have to make a quick judgement as to which way round to put the rails and table to best utilise the space available. This was a small stall because it was all that was available when I came to book it. It is surprising what you can fit into a small space when you have to.

Form An Orderly Queue
This annual event in Scarborough drew in the crowds so our stall became very busy at times. Couldn't resist a snap of these people resting their legs sat tightly together n a low wall behind us.
Our true vintage dresses, vintage inspired dresses and retro sunglasses were especially popular this time. It does vary what sells, it is impossible to predict exactly what will be popular but for once I think I got it right this time.

Planes Boats & Automobiles
The advantage of being outside is that there is lots to see between attending to our customers. We enjoyed people watching and straining our necks to see the fabulous red arrows formations. I was delighted with the results of some of my very amateur photography.

Home & Away
Possibly the worst part of the day is packing the car back up. We are always going to be flagging a bit with the early start and being on our feet all day (we rarely have room for chairs in the boot). Even after decent sales there never seems to be any less to squash in!
Back At Base
The last phase is unpacking AGAIN, de-suitering and hanging everything back up in my store room. It's tempting sometimes to leave things packed up when we have an event the following weekend but because every event is different I like to start with a clean sheet each time plus hats and bags can easily be crushed if they are not stored correctly.
The work doesn't end there. Everything that has sold needs to be taken off the website and accounted for. When anything sells out and about we have to record it carefully including the size or we can soon end up in a pickle... selling things online that we don't have anymore... and believe me we do!

Phew then after all that we can relax for what's left of the evening and start to plan for the next event when it all starts over again....