Vintage Style Hair Snoods
Among our offering of popular vintage hats, we have just added a couple of basic 1940s vintage style hair snoods which made me curious to know more about these stretch crochet nets. Moreover, I would like to share some ideas on how to embelish and customise your own hair snood to create something bespoke.
From what I can gather, European women have a long history of snood wearing. The word is first recorded around A.D. 725. They were widely worn in the Middle Ages, and the term 'snood' was applied to a variety of head coverings made of either cloth or net.
The 1940s ones we are more familiar with are made from a loosely knitted wool or crochet yarn. They come in a couple of keys lengths - small to fit over a ponytail or the longer type that gather and enclose a bob of long hair at the back of the head.
1940s Hair Snoods
They provided an easy solution to keeping long hair tidy and safer in the war time work place. Look at these original forties ads.

DIY Vintage Style Hair Snoods
I have always looked on in awe at fellow vintage traders at events who sit and rattle off half a dozen snoods in between attending customers. If, like me, you're not too handy with a crochet needle (or most other needles for that matter), you can buy a plain one like ours then transform it into something unique. I found some things in my sewing box today that would make lovely adornments. These can be sewn in place or glued to a clip similar to the one pictured and added once the snood is in place.

Another great idea is to find an old doily then thread some fine elastic through the outer edge. Secure both ends together once they meet & you will have another one of a kind hair decor.

Wear with your 1940s vintage and retro clothing.
Much less expensive than a forties hat but just as cute!