Up To Date With Revival In March 2019

Woolly Jumpers
The timing isn't always perfect but often in our line of business, we have to take the opportunity to buy good stock as and when it becomes available. The number of people who call us in the summer to sell their fur coats! Anyway, when a textile company contacted us recently about grade A pure wool knitwear from Iceland and Norway we decided to take our chance. There are some great traditional knitwear styles for men and women. Having tried half of them on I can also assure you, you won't find anything warmer. I for one have put a couple away for next winter. They are great quality but even with grade A stock I would say there is a good third that aren't good enough for our website so I usually end up with the rejects! Although read on to discover my latest idea that might just help with this issue.

Brace Yourself

We have just re-stocked our vintage-style men's trouser braces. We don't have far to go for them. A local Huddersfield factory hand produces them for us, they are a 10 min walk away from our premises. We are always pleased with the quality and styling of their products. We offer you a combination of clip and leather loop styles. For a 1940s look you ideally need buttons around the waistband of your trousers so you can opt for the styles with real leather loops and trims for a truly authentic look.

Customers Looking Splendid In Revival Vintage
Since my February update, I have received three more shots of customers happy with their vintage buys from Revival. We have Walter looking wonderful in one of our knitted tank tops & Fedora. Eden wears one of our Frock coats & cravat, finally, Tamara wears one of our vintage-inspired dresses, pictured here with her beautiful horse Spencer who also looks to approve of her choice. Keep them coming, you know we love to see them.

Another thing that thrills us is when celebrity's or stage productions buy pieces from us. We sold a number of items to the London Theatre Royal recently where Paul Whitehouse, Tom Bennet and Ryan Hutton star in Only Fools & Horses. They bought a couple of suits for Rodney plus other bits & pieces. Not sure if they have used them because I haven't seen the play myself. We also received the following review on our site which we were equally pleased about "This shop is a great find. Spearpoint shirts are super. They are currently being used on "Annie" The Musical UK Tour along with a few other vintage items. Very professional service".
Makes us think we must be doing something right! Check out a trailer for Annie here.
Meet The Team

I know I keep pestering you for photos so I think it's only fair I introduce you to our small team. As you know my husband Mark and I are at the helm but we do have some help keeping everything ship shape. In order of appearance after us two, Sarah works with us a couple of days a week, she attends to visitors and parcels up all your purchases during those days but she can also competently turn her hand to any other area of the business. One benefit of working in a small team is that our staff do tend to learn most aspect of the operation, they are certainly never bored. Elizabeth is a Textile student specialising in contemporary practice and embroidery at Huddersfield Uni on a placement year with us. We are fortunate to have her here three days a week. Elizabeth gives a hand processing sales, photography etc. but also tends to do all our clothing repairs & improvements. On Fridays Cian joins us for the day, he studies music journalism & helps us out with blogs, men's styling projects etc. We couldn't wish for a better bunch and will miss Elizabeth & Cian when they return full time to their studies.
Looking Forward
I wrote earlier about items that are not good enough for the mainstream website. What do you think to the idea of a 'make do & mend' section for items that are less than perfect but still lovely enough to be bought for a reduced price? In other words the opposite of our 'prime' products. I will design a badge and take it from there. I'm thinking of small marks, repairs required etc. If you have any thoughts about this or other ideas let me know.
We have started to prepare for this great weekend coming up in April. We will be taking a lot of new stock that hasn't yet made the website. Looking forward to it, it's always a great event.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mums out there. Mark and I are fortunate to still have ours in good health and we love them to bits. Have a great month everyone. Until next time Helene X