Our Vintage Fashion On Show At Goodwood Revival 2018

Catwalk Ready @ Revival 2018
As Mark explained in his BLOG last week 2018 was our first experience of attending the much talked about Goodwood Revival in what was it's 20th Anniversary year. It was made all the more exciting for us because organisers had spotted some things on our website and wanted to include them in their Fashion Show.
The Revival fashion show is far more of an immersive experience than the usual procession of models with a stroll and a twirl. Presented by Mastercard, it is more like a theatrical production set in fast forward mode. This year the theme titled 'The High Flyer' centred around the story of a young man who leaves London to explore the world. Throughout his life's journey styles are show cased from the '40s, '50s and '60s the Halycon period of the original Goodwood motor circuit.
We packaged our box of Revival vintage goodies with a cautionary note to self that the producer may only pick one or two of our items to use.
We had tickets for the Saturday at 12.30 and positioned ourselves at the very front of the long cat walk. We sat there in anticipation as the music rang out and the show commenced with a projected film backdrop as the first model emerged. What a professional performance it was, we had to contain our squeals of delight each time we spotted one of our garments. "That's our swimsuit, forgot about that jumper, isn't that our coat?" In total we counted seven of our things.

The show was split into several scenes including a Nassau Bahamas beach set, skiing at St Moritz and Vegas casino. Clothes were featured from the appropriate era and styles. There was singing and dancing and all that razmataz. Clearly a very talented team.

At the end of our particular show there was a question and answer session hosted by Caryn Franklin of The Clothes Show fame.
Here she is chatting with fans before one of the shows.

She featured our 1940s swimsuit with matching pleated over skirt. The design elements were discussed, moving on to forties fashion in general. It was great to see our name well not exactly up in lights but the next best thing.
As an added bonus, like we needed one, the show manager purchased one of our shirts for her partner.
We had many professionals reviewing the entertaining event. Here is an article about our fashion show from the Chichester Observer.
"Our loaned clothing may be on it's way back but our memories will stay with us for a long time. We enjoyed participating in the fashion show and the whole Goodwood Revival experience in general. Will be hard to top it next year.....but we will be giving it a good go"

Would love to hear about your experiences at Goodwood or many of the other events up and down the country.